The world is ready for more people who dare to follow their passion and authentic path.
It’s time to explore your own potential.
That is why I am here for.
Achtsame Brand Fotografie in der ZentralSchweiz
Lifestyle & Nature based Photograhy + Content Creation for Heart Centered Individuals, Brands & Creatives that seek authentic visuals to share their story.
“Be Magnetic” Build a powerful personal brand
by owning your unique story.
Self-paced 21-day transformational Online Workshop to help you tap into your own wisdom, intuition, and expertise, and show you how to use your own experience, voice, and uniqueness to:
Align your energy to attract your ideal audience
Create authentic, relatable content that builds connection and trust
Sustainably integrate social media marketing into your daily work
Discover how to build a successful, impactful personal brand on social media by embracing and owning your unique story
English & Deutsch
Eintägiger Workshop für authentisches Social-Media-Marketing
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Ein Workshop um zu lernen, wie du deine Energie ausrichtest, um dein ideales Publikum anzuziehen. Wie du authentische Inhalte erstellst, die Resonanz erzeugen und Verbindung und Vertrauen aufbauen. Und wie du Social Media Marketing nachhaltig in dein tägliches Wirken integrierst.
deine Investition 140 CHF